Monday, November 15, 2010

It's me, again.....

I'm back and refuse to give up on myself. I must say last week I did not get to go to the gym at all!!! I had cake order's every single day! This is alot for me being that I do it out of my house and do it alone. I also have to manage a family (homework, dinner, etc) I however do not want to continue to make excuses. I will be in the gym tonight regardless of how busy my day is. I must day that I do need some help staying motivated. I tend to find myself falling off in what I'm eating. How do I get my mind frame back in routine..... Ughh I feel lost and fed up but know that I need to get back on TRACK!!!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Good News: I have not gained any weight. Thank god! But nor have I lost any either. :(

1 comment:

  1. Maybe working out in the AM is an option? I hate the thought, but LOVE getting a workout over with. Maybe to help with food you can plan exactly what you will eat at least the day before? This may help grabbing eating-which is my MO. And I have a shelf in the fridge of things that I can grab-like turkey pepperoni, grape tomatoes, spoon of fat free ricotta... Keep with it-as the pounds come off it will be easier and easier to say 'no'...

    Polar's Mom
