Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness! I can not believe I did it!!!! Yeeee-Hawwwwww!!Yippeeeeeeee!!!! Hoo-rayyyyy!!!!!!!!
Guess I should clue you in to what I'm talking about. Right? lol. I bought an elliptical about a month ago. I got on the machine to start working out and could barely do 5 minutes. My knees were burning me and I just could not do it. I tried again, and the same thing happened. Needless to say it has just been sitting in my room for the last month and became my new clothes hanger. Well..... today I told myself I'm going to give it another shot. Being that I have been going to the gym for a week now, I think I can... I think I can.......
Sooooo the good news is I DID IT!!!! I was able to do 40 minutes which was 5miles. It felt sooo freaking good! I was dripping sweat by the end of it. This is definitely a new beginning. I'm siked!!! :0)
I must admit I did cheat today with my dinner :-( I wanted to just have a grilled chicken salad but I ended up having that and also a cup of white rice with beans. I just couldn't resist it! I did feel so horrible afterwards though. I must say it was my emotional eating that I know got the best of me. Destiny who is my 8yr. old stepdaughter stressed me out today!!! First day in a long time cause she has been pretty good!
Overall I feel like today was a great day and look forward to another one tomorrow.
Have a goodnight all!


  1. Nominated u for an award on my page :)

  2. Hiya! New to your blog-sounds like you are on the right track. Keep it up!

    You and I are about the same height and have the same goal weight-so I'll keep a close eye on you, and please do the same! The more police the better! Haha

    Polar's Mom

  3. Yay for going to the gym. Small steps are the key to success. It's hard but deff worth it. Good luck and I look forward to reading more. =)

  4. Thank u so much Bethany. I'm new to blogging. So I don't know how that works. Do I copy it on to my page?

    Yes Polar I am here to help and of course I need all the support I can get!!! Thanks hunny.

    THanks so much Vanessa. Good luck also and Dress #1 is absolutely gorgeous!!!! :0)

  5. Wow! I'm like you were, I bought an elliptical and I can barely do 5 min. 40 min. is amazing!

    Good for you!!!
